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爱尔兰利默里克大学Ó Ceallaigh博士讲座预告

时间:2018-11-22 来源: 发布人:

题目:在以英语为媒介的第二语言教育中通过内容加工语言(Processing language through content in English-medium second language education)

报告人:Ó Ceallaigh博士(爱尔兰爱尔兰利默里克大学)





The interest in content and language integration in higher education (e.g. English-medium instruction) has opened up new lines of research that are emerging and developing, with the genuine intention of improving language learning in our multilingual world. However, one of the most challenging issues in all types of content-based instruction is teachers’ perceived lack of pedagogical content knowledge necessary for effectivecontent and language integration. This presentation considers content and language integrated learning (CLIL) and examines the central role played by teachers in this complex process of enabling second language learners to process language through content.


T. J. Ó Ceallaigh博士,爱尔兰科克(Cork)大学教育学博士,现任教于爱尔兰利默里克大学玛丽伊玛克特学院(Mary Immacurate College, University of Limerick)语言与读写教育系,担任第二语言教学法和语言沉浸式教育讲师,语言沉浸式教育硕士项目负责人。主要研究兴趣为语言与内容教学融合的教学法、教师教育和教师职业发展,特别关注语言沉浸式教学。在爱尔兰和国际沉浸式语言教学相关组织中非常活跃,担任多个沉浸式项目的顾问。