由香港中文大学-北京语言大学语言学与应用语言学联合研究中心主办、北京语言大学人文社会科学学部承办的第三届汉语韵律语法研究国际研讨会,将于2016年9月23日至25日在北京语言大学召开。 韵律语法是语言学的一个新领域,其研究对象为韵律与形态、句法、语体以及文体等领域之间的互动。会议诚挚邀请世界各国从事韵律语法研究的专家、同仁提交论文。 会议主题包括但不限于:1. 韵律音系的共时、历时研究;
Investigating Agency within Technology-mediated
Language Learning and Teaching: Implications for Theory, Research and
actions do learners take in technology-mediated settings? How do they choose to
act on their environment? What decisions do teachers make that drive the way
they act when they use technology in language teaching? Agency is a relatively
new construct in language learning and teaching, and had its early roots in a
focus on how learners act: it was thus initially linked with the ideas of
learner autonomy and motivation. Later, it became more clearly differentiated
from autonomy by encompassing a more socio-culturally informed view of
individuals acting within their environments: it explored how they act, the
decisions they take, how they appraise and use the affordances of environments,
and the dynamic reciprocity between agents and their environments. The
affordances of many technology-mediated environments allow researchers access to
how learners (and teachers) act and the ways in which environments unfold and
evolve through analysis of archival data: they are thus interesting sites in
which to explore learner and teacher agency. This talk begins with a review of
definitions of the construct of agency, examining their relevance to
technology-mediated language learning and teaching. Recent studies are then
analyzed to illustrate the value of the construct of agency in understanding the
dynamics of language learning and teaching with particular technologies:
examples include students carrying out online role plays using Adobe Connect, a
distance tele collaborative exchange between learners of German in New Zealand
and learners of English in Germany, and the agency of teachers new to
technology-mediated language teaching. To conclude, implications for theory,
research and practice are presented.
主讲人简介:Cynthia White is Professor of
Applied Linguistics, and Research Director within the College of Humanities and
Social Sciences, Massey University, New Zealand. She has published widely on
distance and online learning, learner autonomy, learning strategies, and emotion
and agency in language learning. She is a member of Editorial Boards of seven
international journals, and has been plenary speaker at international
conferences in Germany, Thailand, Singapore, China, UK, Hawai’i and Malaysia.
She is external consultant to the US government at the National Middle East
Language Resource Centre for Arabic distance learning initiatives. Cynthia has
completed collaborative research projects with Oxford University, Open
University UK and Nottingham University in online language