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新西兰梅西大学Kerry Taylor院长和李守纪博士讲座预告

时间:2018-12-13 来源: 发布人:

讲座一:A brief History of Chinese Language in New Zealand



主讲人:Kerry Taylor院长(新西兰梅西大学人文学院)


This talk will explore changes overtime in the teaching and learning of Chinese in New Zealand. I will argue there has been a close link between the social and demographic history of the New Zealand Chinese community and the language. We see a change overtime from Cantonese to Mandarin and from a Chinese community centred language process to one that has an extensive formal infrastructure. The slow adoption of a formal teaching and learning process in New Zealand reflected both local and global dynamics. The last 20-30 years have seen a dramatic rise in the resourcing of Chinese language teaching and a significant growth in learners at all levels. New Zealand’s dogged mono-lingualism remains a cultural barrier to a true sea change in language capacity.


Kerry Taylor is Head of the School of Humanities and the Director of the W.H. Oliver Humanities Research Academy at Massey University. His work has been mainly on the history of the left and political dissent and the history of material culture in New Zealand. He have published mostly on the history of the NZ communist movement. His works included Culture and the Labour Movement: Essays on New Zealand Labour History (edited with John Martin), On the Left: essays on socialism in New Zealand (edited with Pat Moloney) and TeHao Nui: Object Stories from Te Manawa (edited with Fiona McKergow). This research has increasingly taken on a comparative and transnational approach.

He is an Associate Editor of the New Zealand Journal of History, and on the Editorial Board of Labour History. He is an Honorary Research Associate with Te Papa Tongarewa, the National Museum of New Zealand and a member of rhe Executive Board of the Australasian Consortium of Humanities Research Centres.

讲座二:Enhancing Chinese vocabulary acquisition with an adaptive learning approach





In recent years, increasing attention has been given to the issue of vocabulary acquisition in research and pedagogy of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (TCFL). A growing body of studies on a wide range of issues such as lexical chunking, collocation and productive use of vocabulary by CFL learners has been contributed to the TCFL literature. Yet relatively little is known about how learners acquire vocabulary productively beyond the classroom instruction using computer-assisted vocabulary activities. The investigation into this question in the context of today’s digital era is significant to classroom instructors, material writers and curriculum designers, as the findings will provide more informed suggestions and guidance for them to provide more effective methods of vocabulary teaching and to help them design explicit vocabulary activities suitable for use on various digital platforms.

Taking advantage of the computer-assisted learning technology based on cognitive learning theory, data science and educational data mining, a number of researchers and education providers start exploring the possibilities of engaging learners on deeper levels and in a variety of ways using adaptive learning approach. Drawing on the design principles and research findings of adaptive learning and assessment in HarvardX (Rosen and Blink, 2017) and the current practices in this area, this study is an attempt to design an adaptive learning prototype that may speed up CFL learner’s Chinese vocabulary acquisition and individualize CFL learners' learning by helping them identify where they have challenges.

Based on existing online vocabulary quizzes and students’ assignments of a particular course, examples of non-standard usage of vocabulary are first collected and analyzed with an aim to identify CFL learners’ challenging areas of vocabulary learning. On the basis of the analysis, a number of interactive and sequential vocabulary assessment sections are designed and deployed as homework via the course’s LMS page. These adaptive sections feature quick adaptive feedback, more supportive information for struggling learners, ability to pinpoint and address common mistakes, and the capacity to collectanalytic data. By analyzing learners’ performances and feedback, the initial evaluation reveals that the adaptive prototype has great potential to improve CFL learners’ effectiveness and achievements in vocabulary learning in comparison to non-adaptive online learning approach. Limitations and future improvement are also reported in the discussion.


Dr. Michael Li(李守纪) is a senior lecture in the School of Humanities at Massey University New Zealand. He received his Master degree in Nankai University in 1999 and his PhD from Waikato University in 2012. Dr. Li has developed his research interests in the area of second language teaching and research, in particular, Teaching Chinese as a Second Language after joining Massey University. Currently his studies focus on investigating major challenges that L2 learners facein blended learning environment and their agency in various learning contexts in the field of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language.